CentOS IPTABLES Firewall Disablement
Hello, IPTables comes with the first installation in all operating systems that use CentOS, namely Linux infrastructure. There are many reasons to turn it off. For example, in operating systems like CentOS where installations such as cPanel or Plesk panel are made, iptables protection prevents us from accessing ports, prevents web server access, etc. We will give you information about how to turn off IPTables and CentOS IPtables in cPanel below.
First, log in to SSH and then enter the codes below in order.
service iptables stop
service ip6tables stop
One of these codes is to turn off the ipv4 firewall and the other is to turn off the ipv6 firewall, but we have witnessed that it sometimes opens automatically without rebooting when a reboot is performed on our server. We will present the other codes below to turn it off permanently.
First, log in to SSH and enter the following code one by one.
chkconfig iptables off
chkconfig ip6tables off
In this way, we have closed it permanently. Some of our friends who have done this say that when they install Plesk panel on Windows, the panel does not open and they cannot access the site. You can only do this by closing the Firewall in Windows.
Note: The codes above are for CentOS6. You can use the codes below for 7. In CentOS 7, firewalld is coming instead of IPTables.
systemctl stop firewalld
systemctl disable firewalld
To return to IPTables from Firewalld, yum -y install iptables-services
You can use the topic.
I believe that I have successfully explained the IPTables Disable process. See you in our next article with the most useful information :)