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 WordPress Performance Improvement
Category Process Detailed Description
Coding Optimization of Non-Domain Files Pulling CSS, Font, JS, external images and all data received from outside the domain into the local system.
Coding Removing Unused Files Preventing unnecessary/unused files from being called from the site.
Coding Editing Missing Files Editing CSS, Font, JS file links that are queried from external sources but whose URLs cannot be found
Coding JS, CSS, HTML Compression Operations Ensuring that files that are frequently called upon and cause slowness in the initial loading of the site are loaded by compression.
Coding Image and Content Compression Converting image formats to the most appropriate size, codec and file format by passing them through an image editor.
Coding Adjusting Cache Settings Automating the file calling process so that the page can open quickly and without tiring the server.
Coding Responsive Compatibility Mobile, desktop, tablet, pocket views and performance settings. Performed as much as the theme allows.
Coding Closing Unnecessary Database Queries Optimization of unnecessary codes that create security and performance problems in the Mysql database.
Coding Internal Linking Regulation Classifications are made to prevent URL confusion within the page.
Coding Redirecting 404 Pages Redirecting page not found errors to a specified page.
Update Editing Existing Plugins Removing unnecessary plugins used in WordPress and installing new plugins as needed.
Update Theme Version Update Upgrade the theme in use to the latest version or a stable working version.
Update Plugin Version Update Updating plugin versions or fixing them in compatible versions.
Update WordPress Version Update Migration of WordPress system to the latest working stable version and compatibility work.
Update PHP Updates Transferring the PHP system to the latest version and compatibility studies.
Security Installing Security Plugins Site admin logins and installation of preventive plugins against cyber attacks.
Security Software Security Measures Cleaning up codes with security vulnerabilities within the WordPress system.
Security Closing Site Vulnerabilities Limiting admin login failure attempts.
Security Virus Cleaning Closing malicious scripts that create security vulnerabilities in the code and affect performance.
Security File Access Permissions Correcting security vulnerabilities and authorization restrictions that cause site crashes.
Security Admin Panel Security Authorized email owner change and admin URL change
Security Closing Theme and Plugin Vulnerabilities Closing security and performance vulnerabilities in the themes and plugins used.
Infrastructure Optimizing Initial Server Response Time* The IP Address used for the initial response when the website is called should be changed if possible.
Infrastructure Increasing Pinging Speed* Change the security settings to make the page quickly accessible.
Infrastructure CDN Setup* Directing visitors to servers located geographically closest to them.
Infrastructure Optimization of Server Resources* Reducing server disk, RAM, CPU, IOPS values to the most appropriate level.
Infrastructure Database Optimization* Upgrading the database system. Taking security measures. Moving it to a disk system where it can work faster.
Infrastructure RPC – Remote-Procedure-Call* Ping speed and protection against cyber attacks. Initial server response time acceleration
Infrastructure Cookie-Free File Settings* Ensuring the transfer of static content (css, js, jpg, png etc.) from a cookie-free area.
*Hosting package changes may be required.
*The following operations are also performed at the level allowed by your hosting system.
*There are resource limitations to be able to perform these items on sites with shared hosting.