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What is Content Delivery Network (CDN), Which One Should I Choose?

What is Content Delivery Network (CDN), Which One Should I Choose?

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What is CDN?

CDN is literally a content distribution service that is distributed across multiple servers and serves to present all data from the location closest to the user.

Briefly Content Delivery Network(CDN)

Hello, friends, we will give you short and concise information about this CDN that many of us have heard of but do not know what it does. You can be sure that after such long articles, this article will come to you like a remedy. We will explain directly what it is and its working logic. At the end of the article, we will also indicate the company that provides CDN service that we can recommend and which CD you should buy as an extra.


Firstly (CDN)'English Explanation of Content Delivery Network well (Content Delivery Network) We want you to know that it is. Let's give you an example of this service. You have a friend 3 continents away from you, you need to send him a message urgently, you can send this message in two ways, the first is to call him quickly, the second is of course, the best situation is that your friend knows this urgent news in advance. In this case, you will not have to waste time calling that friend and your other friend will know this situation. Now let's explain CDN with the following process.

One piece hostingYou have this hosting in Istanbul, Turkey. presenterNow, when someone in Germany wants to access this server, they will access it very slowly, because it is too far from the files your site hosts. What if the friend who will access the site is in Germany and pulls the data directly from the closest place to him? In this case, instead of pulling the file from Turkey, he will pull the data from the closest server to him. So, exactly, in this case CDN Service comes into play. Your friend in Germany will enter your site CDN Service The company that provides it will have placed a server near it and will be keeping the data there. In this case, instead of connecting to Turkey, it will have servers in Germany. CDN Service It will be connected to the company that provides it and the connection speed will be .

CDN Service benefits us not only in terms of speed but also in many areas. For example, Google gives great importance to CDN. As a result, the response time of your site will increase significantly and this will be Google's favorite situation.


Which CDN Company Should I Choose?

You can actually determine the answer to this question very easily. There are two types CDN It is available for sale, one is Pay as you use, the other is a service provided by determining a monthly traffic and price. Now, as a company, we find it more logical to use the Pay as you use option. Instead of a fixed value, it is logical to pay as you use. If you do not have a regular hit during a month, that is, sometimes 10 people and sometimes 1000 people visit, in this case, if you use it less for three or 5 days and use it more for 1 day, you have to pay for it monthly on the days you use it less. On the other hand, if we consider the possibility of 50 people visiting per month, we are paying the monthly fee for nothing and not using it. It is more logical to add at least a 50$ balance and use it for a long time. Of course, this situation may vary depending on the hit of your site.


Our company offers the fastest and most distributed CDN Service to many locations, and is a best-selling company with the most affordable prices. With the service we offer, many websites have been hosted with CDN.

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